Rev. Christy L. Johnson

     If you don't mind, I would like to share my heart with you.  During our fall break my husband became very ill.  He was hospitalized the Friday of our new class starting with a rare infection that was attacking his body.  To say the least my emotions were at the highest level they could be.  I was scared and feeling very overwhelmed.  

     This is where my testimony begins.  We Are Wesley is the school mantra.  This mantra promotes community - You belong here!!  I have always loved being part of Wesley Seminary and I am grateful for the amazing opportunity that has been given to me. However, it was not until these past few weeks that I personal felt this mantra ring true.  Knowing that we would be in the hospital for some time, I contact both Dr. Stepp and Dr. Eby to inform them of the situation.  Dr. Derr, not only were they willing to help me in any way they could, but they also prayed with us.  I still remember tears streaming down my eyes as I put Dr. Stepp on speaker phone as he prayed the most beautiful prayer.  I looked up only to also see tears streaming down my husband's face.  We were both so touched by this amazing act of love.  Dr. Eby checked on me personally over the next 14 days.  Even though he was so willing to help, I knew the best decision I could make was to drop his class.  It was then that I contact Jessica, my advisor.  In the middle of our conversation, she paused and said, "Christy, do you mind if I just stop and pray for you?"  Dr. Derr, I cannot tell you how I felt in that moment.  For the first time, I understood - We Are Wesley and You Belong Here!! What an amazing staff!! 

     Since I am writing to you to say thank you, I must also tell you that Dianne Clark had so much to do with helping me to become part of this incredible family.  Dr. Tammie Grimm, my very first professor, ministered to me in such an amazing way over a one-on-one Zoom meeting.  It was a moment in my ministry that I will never forget.  God used her in a mighty way that day.  Once again, I just want you to know how very proud I am to be part of this amazing community that I am growing to love more each day!!